
Bush, J.W.N., Frumkin, V. and Saenz, P.J., 2024. Perspectives on pilot-wave hydrodynamics, Applied Physics Letters, 125, 030503. pdf
Papatryfonos, K., Vervoort, L., Nachbin, A., Labousse, M. and Bush, J.W.M., 2024. Static Bell test in pilot-wave hydrodynamics, Phys. Rev. Fluids, 9, 084001. pdf
Sun, Y., Bush, J.W.M., Spagnolie, S.E., Rycroft, C.H., 2024. Hydrodynamics of marbling art, Phys. Rev. Fluids, 9, 110506. pdf
McKee, K.I., Primkulov, B.K., Hashimoto, K., Tagawa, Y. and Bush, J.W.M., 2024, Waves beneath a drop levitating over a moving wall, Phys. Rev. Fluids, 9, 093603. pdf
Bush, J.W.M,. Papatryfonos, K. and Frumkin, V., 2024. The state of play in hydrodynamic quantum analogs. Chapter 2 in `Advances in pilot-wave theory: from experiments to fundamentals’, Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science, 344. pdf
Darrow, D. and Bush, J.W.M, 2024. Revisiting de Broglie’s Double-Solution Pilot-Wave Theory with a Lorentz-Covariant Lagrangian Framework, Symmetry “Special Issue : 100 Years of Quantum Matter Waves: Celebrating the Work of Louis De Broglie”, 16 (149), 1-31. pdf
Frumkin, V and Bush, J.W.M., 2023. Misinference of interaction-free measurement from a classical system, Phys. Rev. A, 108, L060201. pdf
Kutz, J.N., Nachbin, A., Baddoo, P.J. and Bush, J.W.M., 2023. Pilot-wave dynamics: Using dynamic mode decomposition to characterize bifurcations, routes to chaos, and emergent statistics, Phys. Rev. E, 108, 034213. pdf
Liu, N., Durey, M. and Bush, J.W.M., 2024. Pilot-wave dynamics in a rotating frame: the onset of orbital instability, J. Fluid Mech., 973, A4: 1-32. pdf
Frumkin, V., Papatryfonos, K. and Bush, J.W.M., 2023. Superradiant droplet emission from parametrically excited cavitities, Phys. Rev. Lett., 130, 064002. pdf
Frumkin, V., Darrow, D., Struyve, W. and Bush, J.W.M., 2022. Real surreal trajectories in pilot-wave hydrodynamics, Phys. Rev. A, 106, L010203. pdf
Couchman, M.M.P., Evans, D.J. and Bush, J.W.M., 2022. The stability of a hydrodynamic Bravais lattice, Symmetry, 1, 0. pdf
Papatryfonos, K., Ruelle, M., Bourdiol, C., Nachbin, A., Bush, J.W.M. and Labousse, M., 2022. Hydrodynamic superradiance in wave-mediated cooperative tunneling, Comm. Physics, 5, 142. pdf
Bazant, M.Z , Kodio, O., Cohen, A.E., Khan, K., Gu, Z. and Bush, J.W.M., 2021. Monitoring carbon dioxide to quantify the risk of indoor airborne transmission of COVID-19, Flow, 1, E10. pdf
Sáenz, P.J., Pucci, G., Turton, S.E., Goujon, A., Rosales, R.R., Dunkel, J. and Bush, J.W.M., 2021. Emergent order in hydrodynamic spin lattices, Nature, 596, 58. pdf
Bazant, M.Z. and Bush, J.W.M., 2021. A guideline to limit indoor airborne transmission of COVID-19, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 118 (17), doi:e2018995118. pdf Supplementary Information: SI
Durey, M, and Bush, J.W.M., 2021. Classical pilot-wave dynamics: The free particle. Chaos, 31, 033136: 1-11. pdf
Bush, J.W.M. and Oza, A.U., 2020. Hydrodynamic quantum analogs, Reports on Progress in Physics, 84, 017001: 1-41. pdf
Dagan, Y. and Bush, J.W.M., 2020, Hydrodynamic quantum field theory: the free particle, Comptes Rendus Mécanique, 348, Issue 6-7, 555-571. pdf
Durey, M. and Bush, J.W.M., 2020. Hydrodynamic quantum field theory: the onset of particle motion and the form of the pilot wave, Frontiers in Physics, 8, 300. pdf
Couchman, M.M.P. and Bush, J.W.M., 2020. Free rings of bouncing drops: stability and dynamics, J. Fluid Mech., 903, A49. pdf
Oratis, A.T., Bush, J.W.M., Stone, H.A. and Bird, J.C., 2020. A new wrinkle on liquid sheets: Turning the mechanism of viscous bubble collapse upside down, Science, 369, 685-699. pdf
Durey, M., Turton, S.E. and Bush, J.W.M., 2020. Speed oscillations in classical pilot-wave dynamics. Proc. R. Soc. A, 476: 20190884. pdf
Thomson, S.J., Couchman, M.P.P. and Bush, J.W.M., 2020. Collective vibrations of confined levitating droplets, Phys. Rev. Fluids, 5, 083601. pdf
Tadrist, L., Gilet, T., Schlagheck, P. and Bush, J.W.M., 2020. Predictability in a hydrodynamic pilot-wave system: Resolution of walker tunneling, Phys. Rev. E, 102, 013104. pdf
Primkulov, B.K., Pahlavan, A.A., Bourouiba, L., Bush, J.W.M. and Juanes, R., 2020. Spin coating of capillary tubes, J. Fluid Mech., 886, A30. pdf
Sáenz, P.J., Cristea-Platon, T. and Bush, J.W.M., 2020. A hydrodynamic analog of Friedel oscillations, Science Advances, 6, eaay9234: 1-7. pdf
Couchman, M.M.P., Turton, S.E. and Bush, J.W.M., 2019. Bouncing phase variations in pilot-wave hydrodynamics and the stability of droplet pairs, J. Fluid Mech., 871, 212-243. pdf
Beroz, J., Hart, A.J. and Bush, J.W.M., 2019. Stability Limit of Electrified Droplets, Physical Review Letters, 122, 244501. pdf
Bush, J.W.M., Couder, Y., Gilet, T., Milewski, P.A., Nachbin, A., 2018. Introduction to focus issue on hydrodynamic quantum analogs, Chaos , 28, 096001. pdf
Turton, S.E., Couchman, M.M.P. and Bush, J.W.M., 2018. A review of the theoretical modeling of walking droplets: Toward a generalized pilot-wave framework, Chaos (Focus Issue: Hydrodynamic Quantum Analogs), 28, 096111. pdf
Cristea-Platon, T., Sáenz, P.J. and Bush, J.W.M., 2018. Walking droplets in a circular corral: Quantisation and chaos, Chaos (Focus Issue: Hydrodynamic Quantum Analogs), 28, 096116. pdf
Tambasco, L.D. and Bush, J.W.M., 2018. Exploring orbital dynamics and trapping with a generalized pilot-wave framework, Chaos (Focus Issue: Hydrodynamic Quantum Analogs), 28, 096115. pdf
Tambasco, L.D., Pilgram, J.J. and Bush, J.W.M., 2018. Bouncing droplet dynamics above the Faraday threshold. Chaos (Focus Issue: Hydrodynamic Quantum Analogs), 28, 0961o7. pdf
Galeano-Rios, C.A., Couchman, M.M.P., Caldairou, P. and Bush, J.W.M., 2018. Ratcheting droplet pairs, Chaos (Focus Issue: Hydrodynamic Quantum Analogs), 28, 096112. pdf
Durey, M., Milewski, P.A. and Bush, J.W.M., 2018. Dynamics, emergent statistics, and the mean-pilot-wave potential of walking droplets, Chaos (Focus Issue: Hydrodynamic Quantum Analogs), 28, 096108. pdf
Harris, D.M., Brun, P.-T., Damiano, A., Faria, L. and Bush, J.W.M., 2018. The interaction of a walking droplet and a submerged pillar: From scattering to the logarithmic spiral, Chaos (Focus Issue: Hydrodynamic Quantum Analogs), 28, 096105. pdf
Oza, A.U., Rosales, R. R. and Bush, J.W.M., 2018. Hydrodynamic spin states, Chaos (Focus Issue: Hydrodynamic Quantum Analogs), 28, 096106. pdf
Sáenz, P.J., Pucci, G., Goujon, A., Cristea-Platon, T., Dunkel, J. and Bush, J.W.M., 2018. Spin lattices of walking droplets, Phys. Rev. Fluids, 3, 100508. pdf
Arbelaiz, J., Oza, A.U. and Bush, J.W.M., 2018. Promenading pairs of bouncing droplets, Phys. Rev. Fluids, 3, 013604. pdf
Sáenz, P.J., Cristea-Platon, T. and Bush, J.W.M., 2017. Statistical projection effects in a hydrodynamic pilot-wave system. Nature Physics, pdf
Pucci, G., Harris, D.M., Faria, L. and Bush, J.W.M., 2017. Walking droplets interacting with single and double slits, J. Fluid Mech., 835, 1136-1156. pdf
Geri, M., Keshavarz, B., McKinley, G.H., and Bush, J.W.M., 2017. Thermal delay of drop coalescence, J. Fluid Mech., 833, R3. pdf
Kurianski, K.M., Oza, A.U. and Bush, J.W.M., 2017. Simulations of pilot-wave dynamics in a simple harmonic potential, Phys. Rev. Fluids, 2, 113602. pdf
Sungar, N., Tambasco, L.D., Pucci, G., Sáenz, P.J. and Bush, J.W.M., 2017. Hydrodynamic analog of particle trapping with the Talbot effect, Phys. Rev. Fluids, 2, 103602. pdf
Oza, A.U., Siefert, E., Harris, D.M., Molacek, J. and Bush, J.W.M., 2017. Orbiting pairs of walking droplets: Dynamics and stability, Phys. Rev. Fluids, 2, 053601. pdf
Nachbin, A., Milewski, P.A. and Bush, J.W.M., 2017. Tunneling with a hydrodynamic pilot-wave model, Phys. Rev. Fluids, 2, 034801. pdf
Tambasco, L., Harris, D.M., Oza, U.M., Rosales, R. R. and Bush, J.W.M., 2016. The onset of chaos in orbital pilot-wave dynamics, Chaos, 26, 103107: 1-10. pdf
Damiano, A. P., Brun, P.-T. Harris, D.M., Galeano-Rios, C.A. and Bush, J.W.M., 2016. Surface topography measurements of the bouncing droplet experiment, Experiments in Fluids, 57, 163:1-7. pdf
Brun, P.-T. Harris, D.M., Prost, V., Quintela, J. and Bush, J.W.M., 2016. Shedding light on pilot-wave phenomena, Phys. Rev. Fluids, 1, 050510:1-2. pdf
Harris, D.M., Pucci, G., Prost, V., Quintela, J. and Bush, J.W.M., 2016. Merger of a bubble and a soap film, Phys. Rev. Fluids, 1, 050505:1-3. pdf
Pucci, G., Saenz, P.J., Faria, L. and Bush, J.W.M., 2016. Non-specular reflection of walking droplets, J. Fluid Mech., 804, R3, 1-12. pdf
Harris, D.M., Quintela, J., Prost, V., Brun, P.-T. and Bush, J.W.M., 2016. Visualization of hydrodynamic pilot-wave phenomena, J. Vis. , DOI 10.1007/s12650-016-0383-5. pdf
Labousse, M., Oza, A.U., Perrard, S. and Bush, J. W. M., 2016. Pilot-wave dynamics in a harmonic potential: Quantization and stability of circular orbits, Phys. Rev. E, 93, 033122:1-6. pdf
Scharfman, B.E., Techet, A.H., Bush, J. W. M. and Bourouiba, L., 2016. Visualization of sneeze ejecta: steps of fluid fragmentation leading to respiratory droplets, Experiments in Fluids, 57, 24. pdf
Cavalli, A., Preston, D.J., Tio, E., Martin, D.W., Milijkovic, N., Wang, E.N., Blanchette, F. and Bush, J.W.M., 2016. Electrically-induced drop detachment and ejection, Physics of Fluids, 28, 022101: 1-11. pdf
Bush, J.W.M, 2015. The new wave of pilot-wave theory, Physics Today, 68 (8), 47-53. pdf
Comtet, J., Keshavarz, B. and Bush, J.W.M., 2015. Drop impact and capture on a thin flexible fiber, Soft Matter, 12 (1): 149-56. pdf
Labousse, M. and Bush, J.W.M, 2015. Polygonal instabilities on interfacial vortices, Eur. Phys. J. E , 38: 113. pdf
Milewski, P.A., Galeano-Rios, C.A., Nachbin, A. and Bush, J.W.M., 2015. Faraday pilot-wave dynamics: modelling and simulation, J. Fluid Mech., 778, 361-388. pdf
Pucci, G., Harris, D. M. and Bush, J. W. M., 2015. Partial coalescence of a soap bubble, Phys. Fluids, 27, 061704. pdf
Harris, D. M., Liu, T. and Bush, J. W. M., 2015. A low‑cost, precise piezoelectric droplet‑on‑demand generator, Experiments in Fluids, 56, 83. pdf
Harris, D. M. and Bush, J. W. M., 2015. Generating uniaxial vibration with an electrodynamic shaker and external air bearing , J. Sound Vib., 334, 255-269. pdf
Bush, J.W.M., 2015. Pilot-wave hydrodynamics, Ann. Rev. Fluid Mech., 47, 269-292. pdf
Bush, J.W.M., Oza, A. and Molacek, J., 2014. The wave-induced added mass of walking droplets, J. Fluid Mech., 755, R7. pdf
Oza, A., Wind-Willassen, O., Harris, D. M., Rosales, R.R. and Bush, J. W. M., 2014. Pilot-wave dynamics in a rotating frame: Exotic orbits, Phys. Fluids, 26, 082101. pdf
Oza, A., Harris, D. M., Rosales, R.R. and Bush, J. W. M., 2014. Pilot-wave dynamics in a rotating frame: on the emergence of orbital quantization, J. Fluid Mech., 744, 404-429. pdf
Harris, D. M. and Bush, J. W. M., 2014. Droplets walking in a rotating frame: from quantized orbits to multimodal statistics, J. Fluid Mech., 739, 444-464. pdf
Jung, S., Clanet, C., and Bush, J.W.M., 2014, Capillary instability on an elastic helix, Soft matter, DOI: 10.1039/c3sm52629a. pdf
Bourouiba, L., Dehandschoewercker, E. and Bush, J. W. M., 2014. Violent expiratory events: on coughing and sneezing, J. Fluid Mech., 745, 537-563. pdf
Oza, A. U., Rosales, R. R. and Bush, J. W. M., 2013. A trajectory equation for walking droplets: hydrodynamic pilot-wave theory, J. Fluid Mech., 737, 552-570. pdf
Bush, J.W.M., The aerodynamics of the beautiful game, 2013. In Sports Physics, Ed. C. Clanet, Les Editions de l’Ecole Polytechnique, p.171-192. pdf
Burton, L.J., Cheng, N., Vega , C., Andres, J. and Bush, J.W.M., 2013. Biomimicry and the culinary arts, Bioinspiration and biomimetics, 8, 044003: 1-6. pdf
Harris, D. M. and Bush, J. W. M., 2013. The pilot-wave dynamics of walking droplets, Physics of Fluids, 25, 091112: 1-2. pdf
Wind-Willassen, O., Molacek, J., Harris, D. M. and Bush, J.W.M., 2013. Exotic states of bouncing and walking droplets, Physics of Fluids, 25, 082002: 1-11. pdf
Labousse, M. and Bush, J.W.M., 2013. The hydraulic bump: the surface signature of a plunging jet, Physics of Fluids, 26, 0904104: 1-8. pdf
Harris, D.M., Moukhtar, J., Fort, E., Couder, Y. and Bush, J.W.M., 2013. Wavelike statistics from pilot-wave dynamics in a circular corral, Phys. Rev. E, 88, 011001: 1-5. pdf
Molacek, J. and Bush, J.W.M., 2013. Droplets bouncing on a vibrating bath, J. Fluid Mech., 727, 582-611. pdf
Molacek, J. and Bush, J.W.M., 2013. Droplets walking on a vibrating bath: Towards a hydrodynamic pilot-wave theory, J. Fluid Mech., 727, 612-647. pdf
Jensen, K.H., Kim, W., Holbrook, N.M. and Bush, J.W.M. 2013. Optimal concentrations in transport systems, J. Roy. Soc. Interface, 10: 20130138: 1-8. pdf
Bourouiba, L. and Bush, J.W.M., 2013. Drops and bubbles in the environment, Chapter 32 in Handbook of Environmental Fluid Dynamics, Vol.1. Ed. H.J.S. Fernando, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, p.427-439. pdf
Molacek, J. and Bush, J.W.M., 2012. A quasi-static model of drop impact, Physics of Fluids, 24, 127103: 1-16. pdf
Gilet, T. and Bush, J.W.M., 2012. Droplets bouncing on a wet, inclined surface, Physics of Fluids, 24, 122103: 1-18. pdf
Kim, W., Peaudecerf, F., Baldwin, M. and Bush, J.W.M., 2012. The hummingbird’s tongue: a self-assembling capillary syphon, Proc. Roy. Soc. B., doi: 10.1098/rspb.2012.1837. pdf
Burton, L. and Bush, J.W.M., 2012. Can flexibility help you float?, Physics of Fluids, 24, 101701:1-7, pdf .
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Molacek, J., Denny, M., Bush, J.W.M., 2012. The fine art of surfacing: Its efficacy in broadcast spawning. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 294 , 40-47. pdf
Prakash, M. and Bush, J.W.M., 2011. Interfacial propulsion by directional adhesion. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 46, 607-615. pdf
Kim, W., Gilet, T. and Bush, J.W.M., 2011. Optimal concentrations in nectar feeding, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 108, 16618-16621. pdf
Terwagne, D. and Bush, J.W.M., 2011. Tibetan singing bowls. Nonlinearity, 34, R51-R66. pdf
Quere, D., Prakash, M., Bush, J.W.M., Prises de bec chez les phalaropes. Reflets de la Physique, 15, 11-14. pdf
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Bush, J.W.M., Peaudecerf, F., Prakash, M., and Quere, D., 2010. On a tweezer for droplets. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 161, 10-14. pdf
Raux, P.S., Reis, P.M., Bush, J.W.M. and Clanet, C., 2010. Rolling Ribbons, Physical Review Letters, 105, 044301-1 – 044301-4. pdf
Bush, J.W.M., 2010. Quantum mechanics writ large, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), pnas.1012399107, 1-2. pdf
Reis, P.M., Hure, J., Jung, S., Bush, J.W.M. and Clanet, C., 2010. Grabbing Water. Soft Matter 6, 5705-5708. pdf
Tam, D. and Bush, J.W.M., 2010. Tumbling Dynamics of Passive Flexible Wings, Physical Review Letters 104, 184504-1 – 184504-4. pdf
Aristoff, J., Truscott, T.T., Techet, A.H. and Bush, J.W.M., 2010. The water entry of decelerating spheres, Physics of Fluids, 22, 032102-1 – 032102-8. pdf
Hu, D.L. and Bush, J.W.M., 2010. The hydrodynamics of water-walking arthropods, J. Fluid Mech, 644, 5-33. pdf
Bosak, T., Bush, J.W.M., Flynn, M.R., Liang, B., Ono, S., Petroff, A.P. and Sim, M.S., 2010. Formation and stability of oxygen-rich bubbles that shape photosynthetic mats, Geobiology, 8, 45-55. pdf
Gilet, T. and Bush, J.W.M., 2009. Chaotic Bouncing of a Droplet on a Soap Film, PRL, 102, 014501-1 – 014501-4. pdf
Gilet, T. and Bush, J.W.M., 2009. The fluid trampoline: droplets bouncing on a soap film, J. Fluid Mech, 625, 167-203. pdf
Clarke, G.K.C., Bush, A.B.G. and Bush, J.W.M., 2009. Freshwater Discharge, Sediment Transport, and Modeled Climate Impacts of the Final Drainage of Glacial Lake Agassiz, American Meteorological Society, DOI:10.1175/2008JCLI2439.,1 2161-2180. pdf
Jung, S., Reis, S., James, J., Clanet, C. and Bush, J. W. M., 2009. Capillary origami in nature, Physics of Fluids, Gallery of Fluid Motion, 21, 091110. pdf
Savva, N. and Bush, J.W.M., 2009. Viscous sheet retraction, J. Fluid Mech, 626, 211-240. pdf
Renvoise, P., Bush, J.W.M., Prakash, M. and Quere, D., 2009. Drop propulsion in tapered tubes, EPL, 86, 64003. pdf
Aristoff, J.M., Clanet, C. and Bush, J.W.M., 2009. The elastochrone: the descent time of a sphere on a flexible beam, Proc. R. Soc. A, 465 , 2293-2311. pdf
Blanchette, F., Messio, L. and Bush, J.W.M., 2009. The influence of surface tension gradients on drop coalescence, Physics of Fluids, 21, 072107. pdf
Aristoff, J.M. and Bush, J.W.M., 2009. Water entry of small hydrophobic spheres, J. Fluid Mech, 619, 45-78. pdf
Aristoff, J.M., Truscott, T.T., Techet, A.H. and Bush, J.W.M., 2008. The water-entry of decelerating spheres, Physics of Fluids, 22, 032102:1-8. pdf
Aristoff, J.M., Truscott, T.T., Techet, A.H. and Bush, J.W.M., 2008. The water-entry cavity formed by low Bond number impacts, Physics of Fluids, 20, 091111. pdf
Flynn, M.R. and Bush, J.W.M., 2008. Underwater breathing: the mechanics of plastron respiration, J. Fluid Mech, 608, 275-296. pdf
Sungyon, L., Bush, J. W. M., Hosoi, A. and Lauga, E., 2008. Crawling beneath the free surface: Water snail locomotion, Physics of Fluids, 20, 082106-1 – 082106-10. pdf
Bush, J.W.M., Hu, D.L. and Prakash, M., 2008. The Integument of Water-walking Arthropods: Form and Function, Advances in Insect Physiology, 34, 117-192. pdf
Prakash, M., Quere, D. and Bush, J.W.M., 2008. Surface Tension Transport of Prey by Feeding Shorebirds: The Capillary Ratchet, Science, 320, 931-934. pdf
Hu, D., Goreau, T. and Bush, J. W. M., 2008. Flow visualization using tobacco mosaic virus, Exp. Fluids, DOI 10.1007/s00348-008-0573-6. pdf
Hu, D.L., Prakash, M., Chan, B. and Bush, J.W.M., 2007. Water-walking devices, Exp. Fluids, DOI 10.1007, 1-10. pdf
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Aristoff, J., Lieberman, C., Chan, E. and Bush, J.W.M., 2006. Water bell and sheet instabilities, Physics of Fluids, 18, (9), 091109. pdf
Bush, J.W.M. and Hu, D.L., 2006. Walking on Water: Biolocomotion at the Interface, Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech., 38, 339-369. pdf
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Aristoff, J., Leblanc, J., Hosoi, A.E. and Bush, J.W.M., 2004. Viscous hydraulic jumps, Gallery of Fluid Motion, Physics of Fluids , 16 (9). pdf
Flor, J.-B., Bush, J.W.M. and Ungarish, M., 2004. An experimental investigation of spin-up from rest of a stratified fluid, Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn., 98, 277-296. pdf
Blanchette, F., Peacock, T. Bush, J.W.M. 2004. The Boycott effect in magma chambers, Geophys. Res. Lett. , 31 , L05611 (p. 1-4). pdf
Elkins, L., Ausillous, P., Bico, J., Quere, D. and Bush, J.W.M., 2003. A laboratory model of splash-form tektites, Meteoritics and Planetary Science. , 38 , 1331-1340. pdf
Hu, D., Chan, B. and Bush, J.W.M., 2003. Water-walking, Gallery of Fluid Motion, Physics of Fluids ,15 (9). pdf
Hu, D. L., Chan, B. and Bush, J.W.M., 2003. The hydrodynamics of water strider locomotion, Nature , 424, 663-666. pdf
Bush, J.W.M. and Aristoff, J., 2003. The influence of surface tension on the circular hydraulic jump, J. Fluid Mech., 489, 229-238. pdf
Bush, J.W.M., Thurber, B. and Blanchette, F., 2003. Particle clouds in homogeneous and stratified ambients, J. Fluid Mech. , 489 , 29-54. pdf
Flor, J.-B., Ungarish, M. and Bush, J.W.M., 2002. Spin-up from rest in a stratified fluid. Part I. Boundary flows, J. Fluid Mech. , 472 , 51-82. pdf
Hasha, A. E. and Bush, J.W.M., 2002. Fluid fishbones, Gallery of Fluid Motion, Physics of Fluids , 14 (9). pdf
Hancock, M.J. and Bush, J.W.M., Fluid Pipes, 2002. J. Fluid Mech. , 466 , 285-304. pdf
Parsons, J.D., Bush, J.W.M. and Syvitski, J.P.M., 2001. Hyperpycnal plume formation from riverine outflows with small sediment concentration, Sedimentology, 48, 465-478. pdf
Buckingham, R. and Bush, J.W.M., Fluid Polygons, 2001. Gallery of Fluid Motion, Physics of Fluids , 13 (9). pdf
Hosoi, A.E. and Bush, J.W.M., 2000. Evaporative instabilities in climbing films, J. Fluid Mech. , 442 , 217-229. pdf
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Bush, J.W.M. and Woods, A.W., 2000. An investigation of the link between lead-induced thermohaline convention and arctic eddies, Geophys. Res. Lett. , 27, 1179-1182. pdf
Eames, I. and Bush, J.W.M., 1999. Longitudinal dispersion by bodies fixed in a potential flow, Proc. Roy. Soc. A, 455, 3665-3686. pdf
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Bush, J.W.M. and Woods, A.W., 1999. Vortex generation by line plumes in a rotating stratified fluid, J. Fluid Mech. , 388, 289-313. pdf
Bush, J.W.M. and Eames, I., 1998. Fluid displacement by high Reynolds number bubble motion in a thin gap, Int. J. Mult. Flow, 24 , 411-430. pdf
Bush, J.W.M. and Woods, A.W., 1998. Experiments on buoyant plumes in a rotating channel, Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn., 89 , 1-22. pdf
Bush, J.W.M., 1997. The anomalous wake accompanying bubbles rising in a thin gap: a mechanically forced Marangoni flow. J. Fluid Mech., 352 , 283-303. pdf
Stone, H.A. and Bush, J.W.M., 1996. Time-dependent drop deformation in a rotating high viscosity fluid, Quart. J.Appl. Math., 5 (3), 551-556. pdf
Bush, J.W.M., Stone, H.A., and Bloxham, J., 1995. Axial Drop Motion in Rotating Fluids, J. Fluid Mech, 282 , 247-278. pdf
Bush, J.W.M., Stone, H.A. & Tanzosh, J., 1995. Particle motion in rotating viscous fluids: Historical survey and recent developments, Current Topics in the Physics of Fluids, 1 , 337-355. pdf
Bush, J.W.M., 1993. Thesis: Drop Motion in Rotating Fluids: A Model of Compositional Convection in the Earth’s Core. Available upon request.