Much of my work at MIT has been directed towards fluid systems dominated by the influence of surface tension, including bubbles, drops, fluid films, jets and sheets.
” I never before realized so strongly the splendour and beauty of the mere physical forms of Nature. A wonderful thing is the curious repetition of the same forms, of the same design almost, in the shape of the falling water. It gave me a sense of how completely even the wildest liberty of Nature is restrained by governing laws.”
– Oscar Wilde, on viewing Niagara Falls
- Viscous bubble rupture
- Spin coating of capillary tubes
- Stability limit of electrified drops
- Thermally delayed drop coalescence
- Electrically-induced drop detachment and ejection
- Drop capture by impact on a flexible fiber
- Partial coalescence of soap bubbles
- The hydraulic bump and vortex instability
- Quasi-static drop impact
- Drops bouncing on a wet inclined plane
- Tibetan singing bowls
- Water entry and cavity dynamics
- Viscous sheet retraction
- Drop propulsion in tapered tubes
- Water impact of small hydrophobic bodies
- Spontaneous oscillations of a floating fluid lens
- Coalescence cascade and Marangoni
- Fluid chains and fishbones
- Surface tension and the hydraulic jump
- Fluid pipes: jets impinging on a fluid bath
- The dynamics of wine tears
- The dynamics of fluid sheets and bells
- Evaporative instabilities in soap films
- Bubble motion in a thin gap
- Drop motion in rapidly rotating flows